DBC was founded in 2018 with one goal in mind: To save lives and to improve healthcare outcomes by reading essential blood values, including the comprehensive metabolic panel, continuously and non-invasively.  

The development of the project for the noninvasive measurement of blood gases and ions started in 1992.  Dr. Antonn Kováč worked as a physician in a neonatal ward at a hospital with premature infants. Values of blood gases were necessary for proper diagnosis of these small children, and values were obtained by invasively taking blood samples which were rather complicated for the staff and painful/traumatic for young children.

After some time supporting Doctor Kováč, Pavel Kazar, a mathematician, started using theoretical and mathematical modeling to develop methods to read blood values without pricking the skin. Later, with the agreement of hospital leadership; they started to develop their first prototypes for non-invasive blood analysis technologies for use with patients.  Dr. Kováč determined the values which were necessary for diagnosis and cooperated with Pavel Kazár on the mathematical and chemical equations of patients' internal blood environments. The development of the technology was materially financed by Mr. Pavel Kazár, and later by his firm. 

In 1993, after a year of intensive work, Mr. Kazár and Dr. Kováč assembled their first mathematical-cybernetic model and sent an application for approval to the State Testing Laboratory in Nová Dubnica. This was executed by an electronic certificate and subsequently by the State Testing Institute for Pharmaceutical Control under the identification 'IMS/1.' After two additional years of testing and semi-forced cooperation with the Communist regime in 1997, Mr. Pavel Kazár and Dr. Anton Kováč obtained the Certificate of Appliance Eligibility in 2006. Because of political and industry volatility at the time due to communism, the team had hurdles to fulfill their introduction of the technology.   

Later in 2006, the inventors of the technology invited head physicians of intensive care units from hospitals, all over Slovakia, to test the technology. It was attended by representatives of 20 hospitals. On the basis of their invitation, the practical presentation of this appliance was carried out in the wards of \hospitals during that year.   It was also introduced to the NATO military for use in their field combat hospitals.

After this,  Mr. Kazar worked on improving the module in the years that followed, which resulted in a more innovative device with identification IMS/2. There was a lot of interference in the hospitals due to huge financial obstacles preventing them from purchasing new technologies, so purchases were put off.  Research by Dr. Kovac slowed.  The work on the hospital side continued until Dr. Kovac's death in 2012.

At this time, Mr. Kazar began researching new, innovative improvements in the field of non-invasive blood analysis. He began researching companies like Masimo, Cnoga, and Abbott Labs.  This work proved that doctors could accurately measure hemoglobin HB without blood draws. This was the last "core value" needed to finish  mathematical modeling  for his '4 core values model.' 
It took worldwide researchers 4-6 additional years to improve the technology and equipment innovations to have commercial and FDA success with Masimo Rainbow set and soon other technologies. Now, coupled with these technological breakthroughs since 2018, Mr. Kazar has been able to finish his algorithms and prove his theories for 18 values of non-invasive blood analysis! This has included filing his proven method for a worldwide patent on his inventions.


Statement from the Chief Physician of Slovak Defense/ ISAF

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National Institute of Tuberculosis, Pulmonary Diseases
and Thoracic Surgery Vyšné Hágy

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